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Thursday, November 19, 2009


I believe everyone has demonstrated their critiquing abilities at some point or another. Whether it be about a movie or a song or even going out to eat. Writing a review might be one of the easier assignments we have had to do.

The review of the restaurant was more appealing to me, because it is something I would probably read on my own time anyway. I read things all the time about restaurants or other things I would wanna go to just to get a greater feel of the place. The author stated some very valid points and made very informative comments that made me wish every review was as good.

I found the book review to be very informative. The author gave very good opinions and statements, and gave the reader the chance to interpret those comments as they wish. She didn't give away too much about the book but still kept me interested. After reading the review I have an urge to read the book myself.