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Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Bloggers' Blog

The Meet Joe Blog story really opened my eyes to the sheer number of people who blog. I had no idea that so many people blogged and that so many things were being blogged about. The author of this story was very informative in their writing and gave some examples that literally blew my mind. To know that blogging is being used to persuade the masses on not only what movies to watch or what books to read, but also who to vote for in elections. Thinking about how three unheard editors were able to draw in such a huge fan base really knocks my socks off. I'm thinking about keeping my blog alive even after English 1010 or maybe starting another one for some of the more interesting things that I like. I could only hope to be as entertaining as some of the "bloggists" that are chatting up the web today.

The Homeless on Campus story I read wasn't as appealing to me as the first Meet Joe Blog story, but it did seem to strike a nerve. To know that someone you go to school with may be homeless is just horrible. I've found college to be hard enough I can't imagine doing it with no place to live. The story really seemed to open my eyes to what other people are going through. The girl in the story was thrust out because of an abusive relationship, thrust out and forced to live on the streets. I found some of the events to be horrid and to think she had a kid with her... The story is also inspiring, however, it makes someone like me think "well if they can do it with all their troubles, then I know I can do it". Seeing someone struggle like that but still be able to continue with her life convinces me that if you want something bad enough and are willing to put effort into it then you can achieve anything.

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